Our Clinic is the right place if you are ready to fight for every day of the person you love. Our intensive care unit supports life functions and performs all types of detoxification including hemosorption, all types of plasmopheresis, hemodiafiltration, artificial kidney, artificial liver and other. We are ready to use all possible means of contemporary intensive care and to fight for a life. We organize full scope of anesthesiological and resuscitation support, we do everything to recover our patients from critical conditions and to continue the chemotherapy or immunotherapy or any other.
If previously after stabilizing the vital functions we had nothing to propose to such patients, now the novel targeted immune pharmaceutical and personalised preparations give a chance to significantly reduce the number of the tumor cells in the body. In some cases the patients are weaned from mechanical ventilation and can receive specific pharmaceutical therapy and cell anti-cancer therapy. Our expertise and our long-term experience in the therapy of cancer patients help improve survival to the people you love.